After discussing this with other students, I arrived to the conclusion that academic supervisors, and academics in general, tend to absent-mindedly "misplace" the pen that you just lent them in the front pocket of their shirts. Particularly if this is your last pen and
i) you are very busy and can't afford the time to walk to the union,
ii) don't have cash on you to buy a new one, or
iii) you are somewhere where you can't get another pen (like the last writing workshop that I attended where my neighbouring fellow workshop participant took my pen placed it in his bag. To his credit, he returned it at the end of the workshop two days later).
But never despair. I have deviced a system to prevent this from happening ever again. Just use one of these selected pens:
The classic: Even the most absent minded supervisor will
realised that there is a big feather sticking out of his pocket.
If this fails, use:
The Giant: It will not fit on his/her pocket. But, if
for some fashion accident it does, try:
The fluffy: The selection of bright colours will draw
attention to the fact that a foreign pen is sitting
in the supervisors pocket.
The big bird: If even the bright colours fail this will
draw the attention of the 2 year old son/daughter.
The embarrassing: Your supervisor is guaranteed to notice that
no one takes him/her seriously at the next academic meeting
because there is a teddy bear picking out of his/her pocket.
The Black-Mailer: If everything else fails let your supervisor know what
will happen to him/her if she/he insists on pocketing your pens
(after the final drafts of your work are corrected with your pen
of course).
Never, ever use the pen below as you will never
see it again...